
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Prayers for Water!!

Plain and simple that's what we really need right now. Since our return from our trip to Moshi this past weekend, Kjirstin and I have discovered that our water situation has taken a turn for the worse. For quite some time now, it's gone back and forth between having a funky smell and being fine enough to use. However, this week, the water has been black and has more of a sewage smell to it than just a strange salty smell. Luckily, we had some water stored up in our buckets, but unfortunately not everything was full (and then I used some to wash some clothes when we got back Monday afternoon).

To our great advantage, it has rained some this week and we've been able to collect some water. But, unfortunately, no matter how much you try to budget out your water and use as little as possible in the shower (I found out tonight that I can get by with just over half a bucket), water is necessary for life and you can't possibly live without it. We have clean water for drinking, no worries there (as you can always buy it). The problem we will face this weekend is not being able to bathe or wash dishes, clothes, or anything else for that matter if the pipe problem (which they are apparently working on) is not solved (or it doesn't rain) sometime tomorrow.

So, if you will, please join us in praying for this situation!! It would be greatly appreciated!!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

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