Well, things are going pretty well and I'm starting to have a bit more time to myself again. I'm really feeling like after the last 2 months, the students and I have figured each other out. I'm feeling much more comfortable with teaching English as well.
Class V has been better behaved as long as I keep them busy the entire class period. I haven't had to yell at them nearly as much as I have in the past. Bwana Asifiwe!!
With Classes VI and VII, I have a definite structured routine. We begin class with the Word of the Day. The students must copy the word, the definition, the part of speech, and a sentence that I write using the Word. Then the students must write their own sentence using the Word. At first, I was choosing random words, but I've decided that I want to be more purposeful with this daily activity. So, right now, the students are learning words that have to do with motion. I think that making "units" like this will help the students make more connections between the words and their lives. The great things about the Word of the Day are that it helps get class started in an organized and calm manner. Also, it exposes the students to words and helps them build their vocabulary. I make them write their own sentence using the Word because I want them to understand how the Word is used in proper context. I get mad when they try to copy my sentence and just change one word. I want them to really think about the word.
Here, there seems to be a lot of stress on memorizing things and spitting them back out on a test. But, I really want the students to think about what they are learning. I want them to question things and wrestle with what they are learning until they figure it out. I want them to see patterns and be able to apply them. Such as with tenses. One of the biggest problems I have with the simple perfect tense is the "he/she/it______". For example: "He sits". The students with invariably put "He sit." It drives me NUTS!!!! But, all I can do is give LOTS of practice work and constantly remind the students to be careful about who is doing the action. Is it "we", "you", "I", "he", "she", "they", etc. In the tutoring that I'm offering on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, I'm really trying to focus in on this. It helps when I am working with students one on one or in small groups because I can really stress things and give more practice if a particular student needs it. In the class it's hard sometimes to balance the strugglers with those who understand the concepts.
Well, I'm not quite sure what my plans are for this weekend. Tomorrow, I'm going to be meeting Kim and Emily (two missionaries from America) in town for lunch. We will be going to a local restaurant called Ricky's that sells American food. I'm SUPER excited to eat foods from back home!! On Saturday, the other teachers and I were supposed to climb the mountain to a different place than the one I went to a couple of weeks ago. This place is a LOT cheaper than the one than I went to previously. However, it has rained so much this week and there are some steep places on the climb, so Pastor Umba thinks it would be better AND safer to wait for another weekend when it hasn't been raining so much. So, I guess I check out if the gang is going to be playing Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday morning (I'm sure that will depend on the rain also). Sunday is church as usual and then the prayer meeting on Sunday night (and I think we're having a BBQ afterwards!! YAY!!). So, I've got a few things to do and even if that's it and I have time to rest, I will NOT complain. I could definitely stand to read for a few hours Saturday afternoon if that's all there is to do. Also, I can continue to work on my school plans.
I guess I shall conclude things here!! I will leave you with some pictures from this past week's adventures around Morogoro. (more to come!! I'm out of time now!!)
An attempt to take a picture of all the swarming bugs that attack me when it rains. (the same ones I mentioned earlier when I first got here) |
One of the nasty suckers up close and personal. |
There were so many kids around me I couldn't move, literally. Haha!! |
Frisbee on the playground during sports at school. |
Some students from Class VII |
Mary (from Class VII) and myself. |
Frank from Class VII. |
Rhoider is a character!! She's in Class VII and she cracks me up SOOO much!! :D |
The feast that we ate at Peter's. He lives in one small room with a concrete floor. In this room, he eats, sleeps, studies, and everything else. |
Peter in front of the small complex where he rents his one room. |
Writings on the wall of a prison cell where South African Freedom Writers stayed. |
A memorial to the South African Freedom Fighters who made refuge at this site which is now a University. There are many who are buried here along with their children. |
The railroad that runs through Morogoro. |
My set up for making French Toast!! |
The finished product!! |
Me singing with the women at the Women's Service at church! |
A picture of me as a guard in the drama. Thank goodness I didn't have any lines!! LOL!! |
More singing and dancing! |
"This is a STAFF!!" - me teaching music |
Class VII clapping a musical rhythm. They're getting really good at it!! :D |
Nathan and Rhoider playing their recorders. |
Carolina and her recorder! |
Well, I guess this is it for this entry. Sorry it took so long to get all of the pictures up. The internet has been SUPER slow lately. Hope you have a great weekend!! :D
"The LORD your God is with you; He is mighty to save! He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing!" Zephaniah 3:17
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,
Christine, thought of you today when my washer broke and I had to wring out all my white clothes. It is good for your biceps and triceps.......