
Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Tests and Easter Break

Well! I can't remember the last time I literally had NOTHING to do. And now, here I am with literally NOTHING to do. It's kind of blowing my mind right now.

This week, the students took their March monthly exams. The exams started on Tuesday afternoon and continued all the way until Friday morning. I really feel like the process could be made more efficient and thus shortened if they would not give the kids an hour long break after every test, but maybe they feel it's necessary? Some days the students have gotten two hours to run around and play before the next test was given. For me personally, it's very draining to sit around and do nothing for so long. I did have tests to grade, but once that was done, I had nothing to do. I ended up bringing my Kindle to school and reading most days to kill the time. I ended up finishing two books this way. Also, I spent quite a lot of time monitoring, giving English work to, and just plain hanging out (meaning all the girls sat around and did my hair for an hour or so. Haha!!) with Class VII since they weren't taking tests this week. They had their "mock test" last week which is intended to prepare them for the national test they must take in August in order to qualify for secondary school. Only one of my students failed and I was very proud that so many did so well!! They all have worked very hard in English and that was everyone's best subject. I'm now wondering if/how I can help the students in other subjects since they seem to be struggling so much. I'm wondering what factors are playing into the inability of the students to succeed in their other subjects. Something about the current system is obviously not working if everyone did so poorly in Science, Social Studies, and Kiswahili (the math scores were also fine for the most part).

Back to the monthly exams, I was very pleased with the results and the fact that some of my lowest scorers from last month have made quite a bit of progress. Although none of them mde it to the cut-off point (which is a 60%),  progress is progress. I think that if they continue to work in this way, I will be able to work them up to "passing scores" in no time.

Things at the school are going quite well, even though I don't know what's going to happen half of the time. We're told things like "Class VII may be taking their mock test starting Tuesday or Wednesday, but we're not sure. Also, it make take one day or two days, but we don't know." I'm so used to having a set schedule! It drives me a bit crazy not knowing how to prepare for my day or what to expect. But, I guess that's part of the experience and I'm coming to accept it. As I have mentioned in previous entries, here, nothing is in my control and I've learned not to expect anything (even when it comes to electricity and water). The other day, I really needed to do laundry, but the water wasn't on, so I couldn't fill up my buckets. Thus, I had to wait until the next day to do it, which turned out to be fine anyways.

For now, I am on Easter break as of Friday afternoon. Yesterday, after school I had multiple students come over to receive extra help in English and I have my two piano students who also came over. We worked for almost two hours before I sent them home. Then I took my weekly trip to town to buy groceries. Last night I got to skype with my friend Krista from Centenary and my sister Sarah!! It was so great to talk to them. I always enjoy hearing about how things are going back home. I also got to watch a movie that I got from Chris and Emily on my laptop. Thus, yesterday was quite busy.

In contrast, I feel like I have done nothing today (and maybe that's a good thing since I've been so busy). I woke up, ate breakfast, did yoga, practiced piano, and then sat around. I felt the need to get out and do something, so I went to Ricky's for lunch and brought my Kindle so I could read while I was waiting for my food (it can take quite a while for food to be prepared in restaurants here). Now, I am sitting around once again trying to think of something to do. Currently I feel like a college student who has just finished exams. During exam week, you are so busy, running around, doing this, taking this test, writing this paper, studying for these exams, etc. And then, once finals week ends, you have nothing to do, and it's like you've just hit a brick wall after going 90 mph.

I'm planning to talk with Pastor Umba to see if there are any near-by places I could visit next week. I definitely would like to take advantage of the time off to see some sites. The main problem, however, is that it's not exactly a good thing for me to be traveling on my own. I would like to visit the Serengeti and Mt. Kilimanjaro, but there's nobody for me to go with. Thus, I'm kind of stuck here for now.

"Therefore, as it is written: 'Let him who boasts boast in the Lord'. " 1 Corinthians 1:31

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

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