Sooooo, I haven't had much time for blogging recently with all of the activities that have been going on lately. But, now that Kjirstin and I are back from our trip to Serengeti, NgoroNgoro Crater, and Tarangire National Parks, I'll make a quick update!
Last week was been absolutely insane! We had mid-term exams throughout the week. So Kjirstin and I were in and out of classes giving exams and inbetween exams we were marking them and talking with the students. They were particularly drawn to our table because it was Kjirstin's last week at school and they all wanted to spend a lot of time with her before she left.
Her official last day of school was on Thursday and it was a crazy day for sure. The students had two last exams in the morning and then the afternoon was dedicated to a goodbye celebration for Madam KJ put on by the students. It was really quite overwhelming because we had such a crowd of students around our table while they prepared everything for the event. At one point, we escaped to the house for a few minutes to breathe and eat lunch.
When we got back, I helped set up chairs and get the kids in order for the event. Kids from Classes V, VI, and VII all did different performances. There was dancing, singing, a short skit, and the girls and boys from Class VII did a really spectacular performance. The girls danced and sang to a drum accompaniment by the boys. I got some video of it, but I'm not sure how to post video here on my blog. I'm going to try and get it up on Facebook if anyone wants to watch.
In the afternoon, I taught piano lessons and hung out with a bunch of kids on our porch until I had to go to the bus stand to get our tickets for Friday. When I got back, the teachers had a farewell celebration for Kjirstin. This one was much calmer than the celebration with the kids and was very nice. She was presented with gifts and a certificate and we all ate a meal together.
Overall, it was a wonderful farewell from all the students and teachers and I think that Kjirstin really enjoyed it all. It's certainly never easy to say "good-bye". Here are some pictures from that day:
Class V "squeezing" Madam KJ |
Lots of hugs from Class V |
Madam KJ in the front |
Class VII girls dancing their entrance |
Class VII girls dancing and singing their farewell to Madam KJ |
The boys and some girls playing the drums to accompany the girls' dancing |
Teachers! |
Well, that's all for now! I'll try and post an entry about my trip to the national parks soon, but life certainly isn't slowing down. Kjirstin and I are planning to go to the Easter sunrise service in town with the other missionaries as well as the Easter service at our own church. Also, on Monday, at our students' requests (and I'd say that some of them have practically begged), we are going to visit them at Day Spring Orphanage on Monday. After that, there's just a couple of days left before Kjirstin leaves on Thursday!
I hope you've having a blessed week and taking the time to reflect on Christ's sacrifice for you this Easter! What an amazing and free gift He has presented us if only we would take hold of it!
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,
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