
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reflections on My Return

So far, it's been a much easier transition than when I first arrived. Of course, I'm pretty sure this is mostly because I already know people, I know enough of the language to get by, and I'm familiar with where things are. Overall, I'm really happy to be back into a steady routine. (But, I'm super thankful for the time that I had at home with friends and family.) When I left in June, I was exhausted and in need of some time away. Now I have returned with a new attitude and a renewed sense of excitement and purpose!

For now, most of what I have been doing has been concerned with getting myself settled back in. I brought a TON of stuff back with me that all had to be unpacked and stored somewhere. I've decided that I need to purchase a new shelf for my room (which sorely lacks storage areas). After being quite unimpressed with the selection in town, I found a picture online of a simple one and am getting it made. Also, there was quite a bit of laundry to do as a result of the karate tournament that I attended in Dallas right before I left to return. So, I've really been planing catch-up with all of that.

Last, Thursday was my first day back at school. Yeah, that's right, the day right after I arrived back in Morogoro. But, it was great! I got completely attacked/hugged the mess out of by the students. As soon as they saw me, they all started screaming and surrounding me with all kinds of love. All of the teachers came up to greet me warmly and ask me about my safari (journey). (Apparently safaris are not limited to Africa!! Hahaha!!) The family has been fantastic as well. Not only are the pastor and his wife back from the US, but many of their children are back from studying at the Africa University in Zimbabwe. We've had quite a full house and it's been a lot of fun!!

So far I've been picking up all of the things I was doing before: teaching at school as well as piano lessons, and also English lessons for the ladies of the church, going to church, running, playing volleyball on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Ultimate Frisbee on Saturdays. Jet lag hasn't been too bad this time around; I'm at least sleeping at night, but I'm still exhausted during the daytime. The weather has been really nice too. It's kind of like fall weather with lows somewhere around the 60's and the highs in the 80's and not a lot of humidity. The only problem is me having to take freezing cold showers in such cool weather....I really have to psych myself up to just jump under the water some nights (like when the cool breeze is blowing through the windows). But, honestly, if that's my only complaint, I'd say that's pretty good! :D

Honestly, I'm just feeling so blessed to be back. It was a bit hard to leave the states again after being surrounded by friends and family and being reminded of my life back in the states. But, I'm finding that I'm quite comfortable with my life here. It's like I can live in either culture and be OK. Honestly, it's a pretty cool feeling!!

Well, I guess I'll wrap things up here!!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

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