
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beautiful Things

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Christian music much less the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. It's a simple yet beautiful and haunting song about how God makes beautiful things out of this world and us. Having lived here for many months now, I can see that He is taking Africa and making something beautiful out of it. There are so many things here that are unattractive. There's dirt everywhere and when you look around, you notice that nothing here is new. Everything is a recreation of something old and worn out. Sometimes I seriously wonder how things here don't just fall down before my eyes. But, something is holding them together. Something keeps the people here going even when everything around seems so hopeless. People work so hard here, but are still only barely able to make a living. I learned the other day that one of the teachers at the school also owns some land where he grows crops to sell to help out the family. Can you imagine being a full-time teacher and also a full-time farmer? I've learned that it is not an uncommon occurrence for people to participate in multiple forms of making money to make ends meet. How can anyone hope to pull themselves out of poverty when even hard work and effort cannot?

But, in the midst of all of this seemingly hopeless situation, I can see some seeds of change. Education is spreading, and even though it's nothing compared to education in the US, I believe that it will get better with time. Parents here realize that education is important for their children and many do what they can in order to send their children to school. Even the students will stop at nothing to further their education. In fact, this very weekend, the students arranged with a teacher to come to school on Saturday to learn more. Many stay after school for tutoring and then they go to other tutors after that. You would think that with so much extra help, their grades would be soaring. But, unfortunately, many can't even make B's (and the lowest B is a 60!!!). I seriously think that this is attributed to a disgusting lack of resources at the schools. Also, and I cannot verify this, but I sometimes question the quality of preparation at the teaching colleges. But, then this may be, again, a result of lack of resources. My hope and belief is that even though current teachers may not have had the best quality training, schools will be able to collect resources to help current students. Then, the next generation of teachers will be better equipped for the job. If that cycle continues to grow, the schools and quality of education will rise to a much better level. But, everything must start somewhere. Nothing is going to be good or perfect or even beautiful the first time around.

In the same way, there are many times when I don't feel good or perfect or beautiful; I feel so unattractive and like I am lacking so much both inside and outside. I feel like I am "too much and yet too little"; too much of the bad things and too little of the good things. I'd rather hide from the world so that no one will see those things. But, I am reminded that God can use that unattractiveness. He can take my failures and shortcomings and turn them into something beautiful, something useful for His kingdom. He can take my frustrations here and back home and turn them into something worth being thankful for.

But, like with the situation here in Africa, nothing starts off beautiful. Everyone and everything must go through many changes and experiences before the true potential is found. Every day God is making us into new people. Every day He leads us down paths to new experiences and new people who change our ways of thinking, even if only sometimes slightly. I pray that you won't stop looking for those chances to grow into something beautiful; something more than you could ever dream that you would become. God is constantly challenging us to stretch our boarders and find our true callings in life. We are called to live above the standards of this world and achieve greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the only true mission worth working for. Does that mean that everyone should hop on a plane and fly to Africa? No, I don't believe that. God has created us for unique missions and the world is our missionary field. Every action, whether it is considered big or small here on earth, is considered great within the Kingdom of God. So, don't give up and keep fighting and working to find the mission that God has called you to. And remember that even if you don't feel like a good or beautiful person, God is constantly making you new. So, don't ever give up faith!!

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,


  1. I've listened to this song what seems like a hundred times since I got to I was totally excited when I saw you'd posted about it. Beautiful, just like yourself, friend.

  2. Awww!! Thanks Mary!!! You know, that song just has such a new meaning when you're in a third world country and you see so much poverty and so much pain on a daily basis. And then, when you're there, part of the small seeds of change, you realize that God's using those experiences to also make you new. I can't wait to hear more about your experiences in India!! :D
