
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Monthly Tests and Seeking God's Will

Well, here's the update on school and all that good stuff:

Right now the students are taking their first monthly tests of this school year. This month, they only have to take tests in Science, Math, Kiswahili, and English. Each test is 25 questions and is meant to help prepare the students for their national exams that they will have to take. They are expected to get at least a 60% in order to be considered "passing". The grading scale here amazes me, honestly. Here an A+ is 91-100, an A is 81-90, a B is 61-80, a C is 41-60, a D is 21-40, and an F is 0-20. I remember in high school when an A was 92-100, a B was 83-91, a C was 74-82, a D was 65-73, and an F was 0-64. Yeah, it's totally different. But, in any case. The students took 3 tests today and they will take their last one tomorrow. During this time, the students only take tests and no classes are taught. I guess in a way, I get a sort of break, but it was stressful to write the tests. I started writing them the way I've done the previous tests, but then I learned that there is a particular format that must be followed so as to match up with the national exams. Well, I guess I got it figured out and we'll see tomorrow how well the students do on my English test. I personally think it's easy, but that's probably because I'm fluent in English. But, I tried to stick with questions that resembled classwork the students have done and I hope I made the answers obvious, but not too obvious. I want them to have to work and use their minds, but I don't want to stress them out over which answer is correct. I guess this will be a guiding point for how I will compose future monthly tests. Other than that, school is going well and Class 5 seems to be better (knock on wood). I've been speaking slower and we had a 3 day review before the test, so I hope that they will do well tomorrow!!

Well, here's the update about life:

So, here I am in Tanzania, and I’m being faced with so many new things. There have been many wonderful experiences so far and some that have been less than wonderful. Many people have brought up the fact that I will be leaving in June and how they wish I was not leaving so soon. Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t leaving so soon either. Six months seems like such a short period of time sometimes and other times it feels so long. Sometimes I can't wait to get back to friends, family, and the life I'm used to in America and sometimes I'm so content to be here that I'd be willing to stay for many years. 

But, for now, the decision is to stay until June. That means that I have just over 3 months before I leave!! I can't believe that's all the time I have left here!! And for now, the question is: God, what is your plan for me during those 3 months?? Have I accomplished anything thus far?? Will I accomplish anything before I leave?? Surely my job is to do more than just teach some students English? Not that teaching English is not important (because it is for their national exams), but I have to wonder what God's big plan is for me. Is there a big plan for my time here? Will God actually make a difference in someone's life through me? And then I must ask myself: who am I that God is using me to change the world? I can't even begin to explain how my mind is exploding with questions. 

I've prayed for and about this for so long and now here I am and I'm not even sure that I'm doing it right. Is there a right way to do missionary work?? I have unique gifts that I have brought, I have unique ideas and thoughts, and I don't even know where to begin. I'm still in the process of building relationships which of course must come first. It takes time to build relationships an to build up trust. Sometimes it feels like by the time I finally build a level of trust with the people, I will be heading home. 

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so shy and introverted. Sometimes I wish it didn't take me so long to get to know people. Sometimes I wish I could just get over myself and my fears and just throw myself in head first. But, I'm here, right?? I came all this way. So, now what?? There's got to be a reason that I'm here, right??

" 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once the left their nets and followed Him." Mark 1:17

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

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