
Friday, January 20, 2012

Random Musings of a Tanzania Missionary

Ok, so I just have to start by saying that it is SOOOO crazy to me that I post these blogs and then everyone reads them. I know that I shouldn't be surprised (because I know you all love me and are interested in what I'm doing), but it's still hard to wrap my head around it. In my mind, I am just an average person following the call that God has placed before me. I was thinking about this the other day because one of the teachers asked me if I was Celin Dion. HAHAHAHA!! She pretty much pulled out a book and pointed to the picture and asked if that was me. I tried to tell her no, that I was just an average person, but she flipped to another page and pointed to a picture and asked if that was me. Once again, I tried to explain that I was just an average person from America and finally she understood that I was a missionary.

Although the whole scenario made me laugh to myself, it made me think about who I am and why am I here. I am just an average person. I laugh, I cry, I complain, I say mean things, I am capable of so many good things and so many bad things all at once. I need food and water to survive and when I am hurt I bleed just like everyone else. The only true thing that makes me special or in any way extraordinary is God's presence in my life. If it wasn't for Him and the calling and desire that He placed in my life all those many years ago, I would not be here doing this right now. If it wasn't for the way that He perfectly lined up the events in my life, I would not be here right now. Every night, as I am falling asleep, I thank God that He provided me with this opportunity to come here and to do the things that I am doing. Thus, I cannot take any credit, but only reflect all of the praise and glory back to Him. So, for now, I am here, and all I can do is listen to Him and trust Him that He has wonderful plans for me here.

I would like to say that if anyone would like to ask me any questions about my experience so far or about Tanzania specifically, or whatever, I'll be more than willing to answer them as best as I can. Just post your question as a comment and I'll answer when I get on next!! :D

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Peace, Love, and Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christine that was a really great reflection on being an "ordinary" person as opposed to someone famous. I think that you are an extraordinary person in that you want to share God's love with others in such a selfless way. Keep up the good work!
    Alison Statton
